Regensky, Andy

Andy Regensky, M. Sc.

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing (Prof. Dr. Kaup)

Room: Room 06.0192
Cauerstr. 7
91058 Erlangen

Office hours


Since February 2020 I am dealing with the efficient compression of fisheye- and 360°-video data. Special focus is put on effective inter-prediction, where the current image is predicted based on already decoded, temporally preceding or following images. Previous methods for inter-prediction are designed for videos with perspective projection, which follow the pinhole camera model. The special projections of fisheye and 360° images, which can no longer be described by the pinhole camera model, lead to a significantly reduced efficiency of these methods. By incorporating the projection function into the process of inter-prediction, its effectiveness can be increased significantly. Thereby, the projection-based approach is not limited to inter-prediction and can potentially be applied to many other techniques in video coding and signal processing.

More information on the broad topic of next generation video communications at the chair can be found here: Next generation video communications

  • : Best Presentation Award (9th VDE/ITG Summer School on Video Compression and Processing) – 2024
  • : Best Presentation Award (7th VDE/ITG Summer School on Video Compression and Processing) – 2022
  • : Luise Prell-Preis (Luise Prell Stiftung) – 2021