Compression of Screen Content


This thesis can be written in German and in English.

The need to transmit screen content data is more important than ever. Online conferencing, screen sharing and remote desktop are just a few applications where screen content data has to be compressed. However, conventional image and video codecs are mainly optimized for camera-captured images and videos. Screen content, however, differs greatly in its characteristics from natural images. Therefore, existing codecs have to be adapted to such data or completely new methods have to be researched that can exploit the special properties of screen content.

Further information on suggested topics for student theses can be found in the following document.




Prerequisites for theses in this topic are good programming skills (e.g. C++, Python, …), as well as image processing knowledge (e.g. lecture Image and Video Compression). Experience with Deep Learning is also helpful for many topics.


Hannah Och, M.Sc.
Room 06.035


Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup
Raum 06.031