Scientific Orientation
The Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing belongs to the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup. Conjugated to the chair is the professorship for Communications Engineering of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Kellermann and the professorship for Machine Learning in Signal Processing of Vasileios Belagiannis. Historically, the chair is the successor of the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik and therefore arose from one of the founding chairs of the Faculty of Engineering.
The scientific research focuses on Video Signal Processing and Transmission and Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing. For all fields of research, numerous cooperations with renown enterprises and the research community are in place. The results are regularly published in numerous books, journal articles or scientific conferences.
The teaching portfolio comprises lectures, exercises, seminars and lab courses for various degree programmes at the Faculty of Engineering. Furthermore, student degree theses that are closely related to different research projects are constantly offered.