Sandra Vedler: Analysis of a Multi-Reference Frame Motion Estimation Approach for Detecting the True Motion in Compressed Video DataMaster Thesis, Between Lecture30.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Andreas Dorner: Improvement of a Framerate Up-Conversion Technique for Compressed Video Data Considering Quantization ParametersBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture23.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Felix Butz: Depth estimation in multiview systems with different image acquisition characteristicsProject Thesis, Final Lecture16.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Yongjun Wen: Implementation of a Bit Stream Analyzer for Videos Encoded with VP9Master Thesis, Inaugural Lecture23.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Bowen Dai: Implementation of a Bit Stream Analyzer for Videos Encoded with H.264Master Thesis, Inaugural Lecture23.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Sebastian Markart: Analysis and Comparison of Different Approaches for Considering Unconnected Pixels for Block-based Compensated Wavelet Lifting of Video SequencesBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture09.11.2015 at 11:00Room: N 6.17
Frank Beyer: Konzeption und Ausarbeitung eines Praktikums zur Bild- und Videosignalverarbeitung auf eingebetteten PlattformenMaster Thesis, Final Lecture16.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Franz Schilling: Improving the Frequency Selective Extrapolation for the Reconstruction of Arbitrarily Shaped 3-D Holes in Volume Data and Video SequencesBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture02.11.2015 at 10:15Room: N6.17
Sanjukta Ghosh: Compressed Domain Analyzer Extensions for HEVC Video DataMaster Thesis, Final Lecture26.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N 6.17
Wolfgang Heyn: Design of a Content-Based Decision Criterium for Accelerated Frequency Selective Extrapolation of Image DataBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture19.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Daniela Lanz: Reconstruction of Videos Taken by a Non-Regular Sampling Sensor Using 3-Dimensional Frequency Selective ExtrapolationMaster Thesis, Final Lecture19.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Stefan Saloman: Evaluierung der Frequenzselektiven Extrapolation unter Berücksichtigung ähnlicher Bildinhalte für unterschiedlich aufgelöste StereobilderBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture12.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Hannah Strohm: Comparison of Different Algorithms for the Reconstruction of Non-Regular Sampled Video DataBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture12.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Jeremias Kaiser: Frequency Selective Extrapolation of Image Data Using an Enhanced Orthogonality Deficiency CompensationBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture12.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Stephan Geißler: Untersuchung von Verfahren zur Vermeidung einer Überanpassung bei der Frequenzselektiven Extrapolation von BilddatenBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture14.09.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Junyue Wu: Automatic Determination of Model Parameters for the Estimation of the Processing Energy of Video DecodersMaster Thesis, Final Lecture26.10.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Sandra Vedler: Analysis of a Multi-Reference Frame Motion Estimation Approach for Detecting the True Motion in Compressed Video DataMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture14.09.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Karina Jaskolka: Motion Estimation for the Reconstruction of Non-Regular Sampled Video DataMaster Thesis, Between Lecture14.09.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
363: Combining Single-Image and Multiview Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Image plus Depth DataConference Presentation24.08.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
363: Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Image plus Depth Data using a Novel Two-Stage High-Frequency Extrapolation Method for Occluded AreasConference Presentation24.08.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17