Benedikt Reiser: Improvement of Motion Estimation in Video Sequences for Mesh-based CompensationBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture07.04.2014 at 10:15Room: N6.17
Lukas Rubner: Parameter Estimation for Reverberation Modelling with the Melspectral ConvolutionBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture21.05.2014 at 14:00Room: N 5.17
Michael Bergmann: Parallelisierung der Frequenzselektiven Extrapolation mittels OpenMPIBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture08.09.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
Martin Pöllot: Super Resolution for Compressed Fisheye Video DataMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture15.12.2014 at 14:15Room: N 6.17
Andreas Dorner: Improvement of a Framerate Up-Conversion Technique for Compressed Video Data Considering Quantization ParametersBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture08.06.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Dr. Kazuhiro Nakadai: An Introduction to the Open Source Robot Audition Software HARKConference Presentation06.10.2015 at 11:00Room: N5.17
Lena Förstel: Automatisierte Fehlererkennung in asynchronen NavigationsvideosequenzenBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture02.11.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Pirkl, Veit: Describing Non-regular Sampling and Frequency Selective Reconstruction within the Compressed Sensing FrameworkMaster Thesis, Between Lecture01.03.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Jingyun Lu: Investigation of an Adaptive Search Strategy for Fisheye Motion EstimationFinal Lecture13.12.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Mathias Maurer: Simulation einer echtzeitfähigen IP-basierten codierten Videoübertragung über fehleranfällige KanäleBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture02.06.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
Susanne Schöll: Optimized Reconstruction Order for Arbitrarily Shaped 3-D Holes in Volume Data and Video SequencesMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture08.09.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
387: Fast Intra Mode Decision in HEVC using Eearly Distortion EstimationConference Presentation15.06.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Alexander Schmidt: Ego-noise reduction for NAO using dictionary learning and motor dataMaster Thesis, Between Lecture04.08.2015 at 13:00Room: N5.17
Michael Günther: Active Listening Room Equalization using Additive Compensation SignalsMaster Thesis, Final Lecture19.11.2015 at 16:00Room: N5.17
Christoph Gernhardt: Evaluation of a BM3D-based Super-Resolution Approach for Video ApplicationsBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture14.04.2014 at 10:15Room: N6.17
Veit Pirkl: Parallelisierung der Frequenzselektiven Extrapolation auf Basis der Xeon-Phi-PlattformBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture23.06.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
Benjamin Thum: Ego-noise reduction for the robot NAO using multichannel nonnegative matrix factorizationMaster Thesis, Between Lecture04.08.2015 at 13:00Room: N5.17
Fabian Sinzinger: Improved double-talk detection for hearing aids based on neural networksBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture19.11.2015 at 17:10Room: N5.17
Christoph Pylinski: Two-Layer Scalable Lossless Image Coding using Different Base-Layer CodecsMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture21.03.2016 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Bowen Dai: Implementation of a Bit Stream Analyzer for Videos Encoded with H.264Master Thesis, Final Lecture23.05.2016 at 10:00Room: N6.17