Muriel Oriane Maka Wabo: Analyse von medizinischen Bilddaten auf unterschiedliche Auftrittswahrscheinlichkeiten von Fourier-BasisfunktionenBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture26.05.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
375: A Hybrid Motion Estimation Technique for Fisheye Video Sequences Based on Equisolid Re-ProjectionConference Presentation17.08.2015 at 10:00Room: N 6.17
Alexander Schmidt: Ego-noise reduction for the robot NAO using dictionary learning and motor dataMaster Thesis, Final Lecture30.10.2015 at 14:00Room: N5.17
Boris Belousov: Modeling and Learning of Optimal Strategies – A Case Study on Catching BallsMaster Thesis, Final Lecture18.12.2015 at 11:00Room: N6.17
Franziska Kopte: Design of a Graphbased Wavelet Transform Using Segmented Adjacency MatricesBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture13.06.2016 at 10:00Room: N 6.17
Isabel Kraus: Exploring Sparse Fourier Modelling Techniques for the Reconstruction of Image DataBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture21.03.2018 at 10:00Room: 0.151-115
Philipp Wojaczek: Hybrid Person Detection and Tracking in H.264/AVC Video StreamsMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture10.03.2014 at 10:15Room: N 6.17
Johanna Schmelzer: Anpassung der Selektiven Extrapolation an Bilder mit hohem DynamikumfangBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture12.05.2014 at 10:15Room: 6.17
375: Temporal Error Concealment for Fisheye Video Sequences Based on Equisolid Re-ProjectionConference Presentation17.08.2015 at 10:00Room: N 6.17
Andreas Hartmann: Optimising the denoising strength for reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled imagesBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture25.04.2016 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Katharina Aschoff: Analysis of Different Weighting Functions for Building Adjacency Matrices for Graphbased Wavelet TransformationsBachelor Thesis, Inaugural Lecture13.06.2016 at 10:00Room: N 6.17
Rüger, Steffen: Comparison of Different Denoising Algorithms for Temporal Extrapolation Refinement of Data during Error ConcealmentBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture09.11.2016 at 10:00Room: 00.043
Viktoria Heimann: Analysis of Various Preprocessing Methods of Image Data in Order to Increase the Detection Rate of a Neural NetworkMaster Thesis, Final Lecture23.03.2018 at 10:00Room: 0.151-115
Eduard Schön: Improvement of the Hole Filling for Inverting the Block-based Compensation in Compensated Wavelet LiftingBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture26.03.2014 at 10:15Room: N6.17
Philipp Stadter: Evaluation of Robust Principal Component Analysis for Audio Signal Separation and EnhancementBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture21.10.2014 at 14:00Room: 6.17
515: Denoising-based Image Reconstruction from Pixels Located at Non-integer PositionsConference Presentation24.08.2015 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Genser, Nils: Developing a Fixed-Point Realization of Frequency Selective ExtrapolationMaster Thesis, Inaugural Lecture09.05.2016 at 10:00Room: N6.17
387: Two-Stage Exclusion of Angular Intra Prediction Modes for Fast Mode Decision in HEVCConference Presentation12.09.2016 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Jiajin Zhu: Adapting the non-local means denoising scheme to denoising-based image reconstructionMaster Thesis, Final Lecture22.03.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071