Analysis of the CO2-Production caused by Video Communications Master Thesis, final presentation 17.06.2020, 11 a.m. Zoom-Meeting
Reconstruction of Inhomogeneously Sampled Image Data Major project (ASC), final presentation June 3rd, 2020, 10a.m. Location: Big Blue Button conference
Beyondtegaard-Delta for the Evaluation of Video Codecs Bachelor's Thesis, final presentation May 20th, 2020, 10a.m. Location: Big Blue Button conference
Development of a Graphical User Interface for Image Resampling Bachelor Thesis, Final Lecture 23.10.2019 at 10 am Room: 06.025
Integration and Evaluation of a Denoising Step to Frequency-Selective Mesh-to-Grid Resampling Master Thesis, Final Lecture 13.11.2019 at 10am Room: 06.025
Analysis of the order of the Group of Pictures of H.265/HEVC for the coding of medical volumes Bachelor Thesis, Final Lecture 29.08.2018 at 10:00 Room: 06.025 (früher N6.17)
Chenxi Jia: Connecting HoloLens with an Immersive ApplicationMaster Thesis, Final Lecture02.05.2018 at 10:00Room: 06.025 (ehemals N6.17)
Qi Lou: Generation of a Training Set for Decoding-Energy-Rate-Distortion OptimizationMaster Thesis, Final Lecture18.04.2018 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Dilara Kücük: Rekonstruktion verrauschter nichtregelmäßig abgetasteter BilddatenBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture11.04.2018 at 10:00Room: 06.025 (früher N6.17)
Fabian Schnorr: Erweiterung der Frequenzselektiven Extrapolation um eine globale ModellbildungBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture18.04.2018 at 10:00Room: N6.17
Markus Tauber: Reducing Chrominance Sub-Sampling Artifacts for Screen Content Coding ApplicationsMaster Thesis, Final Lecture21.03.2018 at 10:00Room: 0.151-115
Michael Bergmann: Erweiterung der HEVC-Referenzsoftware um eine modifizierte Bewegungsschätzung für Fisheye-VideosequenzenMaster Thesis, Final Lecture28.03.2018 at 10:00Room: 0.151-115
Bastian Eisele: Investigation of Methods for a Spatial Refinement of the Frequency Selective Reconstruction of Image DataBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture31.01.2018 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Christian Herbert: Entwurf einer adaptiven Wavelet-Zerlegung von Videosequenzen in Abhängigkeit der Änderung des Inhaltes zwischen aufeinander folgenden BildernMaster Thesis, Final Lecture24.01.2018 at 10:00Room: 00.071
363: Color Channel Reconstruction for Multi-Color Multi-View Images Using Disparity and Color Similarity-based Local Linear RegressionConference Presentation17.01.2018 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Ma Xin: Improvement of a Metric for the Detection of Chrominance Sub-Sampling Artifacts in Screen Content ImagesFinal Lecture06.12.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Paulo Martinez: Development of an Integrated Runtime Analyzing Toolkit for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)Final Lecture06.12.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Thomas Wissel: Acquisition and registration of multi-spectral multi-view images in real multi-camera systemsBachelor Thesis, Final Lecture06.12.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
Rohan Shet: Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Robustness to Compression Artifacts in Input ImagesMaster Thesis, Final Lecture29.11.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071
387: Scalable Near-Lossless Video Compression Based on HEVCConference Presentation29.11.2017 at 10:00Room: 00.071