
Our colleagues Max Schäfer and Rudolf Rabenstein won the 3rd Best Paper Award on the 25th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx20in22) in Vienna, Austria. The paper, which was jointly written with the coauthors Julian Parker and Sebastian Schlecht, is entitled "Physical Modeling us...

Anna Meyer, who is now working as a research assistant at our chair, won the Best Master Thesis Award from the Verein EMSig e.V. for her Master thesis entitled "Deep Learning-Based Camera Adaptive Image Enhancement". Congratulations!

The student Felix Bogner won the Best Bachelor Thesis Award from the Verein EMSig e.V. for his bachelor thesis entitled "Evaluation of a Deep Neural Network-Supported Beamforming Algorithm for Multichannel Speech Enhancement". Congratulations!

On Friday, August 19th we had the first in-person EMSig-congress since 2019. We watched several highly interesting and topical presentations from the field of image processing in healthcare, audio compression, and image processing. Furthermore, we congratulate Anna Meyer for receiving her Best Maste...

We congratulate Andy Regensky for winning the Best Presentation Award on the SVCP 2022! His presentation was entitled "Motion-Plane-Adaptive Inter Prediction in 360-Degree Video Coding".

Sponsored by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, Prof. Sharon Gannot from the Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan (Israel) visits the LMS from July 9 – 27, 2022. In this time, he will give various presentations and lectures on current topics in the area of speech and audio signal processing.

Dr. Dana Lahat is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland (Baltimore, USA) and Researcher at the Tel Aviv University (Israel). She works on algebraic methods for data analysis and statistical signal processing. During her stay at the LMS, she will present some of her research results within an EEI colloquium talk.

Refreshing news in the hot summer months: We congratulate our colleague Kamal Nambiar for his accepted journal paper entitled "A Self-Trained Model for Cloud, Shadow and Snow Detection in Sentinel-2 Images of Snow- and Ice-Covered Regions". It shows that the coverage of ice, clouds, and shadows in d...

Deep Learning by LMS - All over the daily news, one can read buzzwords such as "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning". At the LMS, we are performing cutting-edge research in this direction with various applications. For example, we are investigating and improving deep convolutional neural ...

More Open Source at the LMS: To globally provide our open-source software, we operate our own Gitlab-server, where a large part of our software products are publicly available. In this month's news, we would like to draw your attention to PADIS, "Probabilistic Approach to Dynamic Image Sampling", wh...

Open Science at the LMS: Next to the publication of Open-Source code (see news from Mach 2022), we also publish a large part of our research as Open Access or as a preprint on platforms such as

We are currently searching for an outstanding Master graduate in electrical engineering (with strong background in signal processing). We offer a full-time position to do research in the field of video processing (pdf here). If you are interested, please send a full application to Dr.-Ing. Christian...

Our colleague Thomas Haubner won a travel grant for his paper "End-To-End Deep Learning-based Adaptation Control for Frequency-Domain Adaptive System Identification" for the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) in Singapore. Congratulations!

LMS for Open Source: In the recent years, the LMS has published a lot of its research and solutions in open-source repositories. Here is a little selection. First, we would like to mention our "Frequency Selective Reconstruction", which can reconstruct missing or faulty parts of an image in a very c...