
In a so-called "Lehrstuhl-Special" of the department EEI, where a professor of electrical engineering is interviewed, Prof. Kaup talks about his scientific career, research at the LMS, and the everyday life of a head of an institute.

We are happy to welcome our new colleague, Katja Kossira, in our team!

Our colleague Thomas Haubner investigates the audio quality in teleconferencing scenarios, in which multiple participants are sitting in the same room. For this application, he developed an algorithm that can effectively suppress reverberation, echoes, and noise.

For good teaching in the summer term 2022, the LMS received two awards from the student's evaluation.

We are happy to welcome our new colleague, Amir El-Ghoussan, in our team!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup received an Award for good teaching („Preis für gute Lehre an den staatlichen Universitäten in Bayern“) from Minister Markus Blume.

At our chair, the two dotoral candidates Than Dat Nguyen and Viktoria Heimann are actively taking part in research within the research project "Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensor Technology – Sensor Techniques and Data Analysis Methods for Empatho-Kinaesthetic Modeling and Condition monitoring” (EmpkinS).

Congratulations to our colleague Anna Meyer, who won the VDE Bayern Award 2022 for her outstanding Master thesis entitled "Deep Learning-Based Camera Adaptive Image Enhancement".

How are recycling and image processing related? This episode of 2 Minuten Wissen is about multispectral camera arrays, i.e. cameras that record more than just the usual three channels, for example also in the infrared range of the spectrum.

Congratulations to our colleagues Viktoria Heimann and Andreas Spruck! They won the 10% Best Paper Award on the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) in Shanghai for their paper entitled "Jointly Resampling and Reconstructing Corrupted Images for Image Classification Usi...

For several years, the LMS is actively participating in standardization activities to allow sustainable video streaming. On the last meeting, our software helping to reduce the power consumption of the end-user device was adopted.

Recently, the German TV broadcastin station RTL published a study on the energy consumption caused by video streaming. For this study, our colleague Christian Herglotz was asked to review the document and provide ideas for further studies. We are happy that the industry is interested in our researc...

Ten colleagues of the LMS traveled to International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2022 in Bordeaux to present and discuss our research results. We were able to publish top-of-the-edge research results in topics such as energy efficiency in video communications, compression and processing of ...

Every year, the Bavarian Ministry of Science, Research and Art honors five female students for their outstanding Master's theses or dissertation in the field of engineering.