
The results of the exam in Digital Signal Processing are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on Thursday, October 24, 2013 between 08:00 and 09:00 a.m. in room N6.17.

The results of the exam Signals & Systems II (SiSy II) are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on Octobre 29th and Octobre 31st 2013, between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. in room 6.17.

The 8. Workshop on Multidimensional Systems (nDS13) has been conducted in Erlangen from Sep 9-11, 2013. 41 participants from 12 countries (Europe, Africa, America) presented 37 contributions. The Proceedings are available from the VDE Publishing House and later also from IEEE Xplore.

The lecture Transformations in Signal Processing given by Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Seiler was ranked third out of 63 courses in the teaching evaluation of the School of Engineering in summer term 2013, with an overall rating of 1.13 in the category elective subjects (VW5).

The lecture Image and Video Compression given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup was ranked second out of 71 courses in the teaching evaluation of the School of Engineering in summer term 2013, with an overall rating of 1.29 in the category required subjects (VP5).

The results of the Image and Video Compression (IVC) exam are now available on the bulletin board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on October 7th, 2013 between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. in room 6.21.

The deadline for submitting papers to the International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany has been extended. The new deadline is May 15.

FAU scientists develop method for automatic correction of digital photos and movies

The results of the exam Visual Computing for Communication can be found on the bill-board at the chair, Cauerstr. 7, 6th floor. Inspection of the exam records takes place on Tuesday, April 30th 2013, in room 6.17 from 8:00 to 9:00 am.

The results of the exam Signals and Systems II can be found on the bill-board at the chair, Cauerstr. 7, 6th floor. Inspection of the exam records takes place on Wednesday, April 24th 2013, in room 6.17.

The results of the exam Signale und Systeme I (03/21/13) are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor).  Due to the high number of participating students, inspection of the examination records is held on two different dates. The first letter of your surname indicates your correspondin...

The results of the exam in Digital Signal Processing are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on April 26th 2013 between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. in room N6.17.

The results of the exam Communication Networks are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on April 9th 2013 between 8:30 and 09:30 a.m. in room 6.21.

The paper on "TDOA-Based Speed of Sound Estimation for Air Temperature and Room Geometry Inference" by Paolo Annibale et al. has been ranked number two in the list of the top accessed articles of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing in December 2012. (

Dr.-Ing. André Kaup, Professor and Head of the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing, has been named an IEEE Fellow effective January 2013. He is recognized "for contributions to video coding and object-based video signal processing". The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred b...

The results of the exam "Signale und Systeme I" (10/11/2012) are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor). Examination records can be inspected on November 13th 2012 between 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock in room 6.21.

The results of the seminar "audiovisual localization" are now displayed on the bill-board of the chair (6th floor).